Q. Who Should Be Measured?
A. A. Anyone experiencing the effects of stress, although this is likely to be 99% of the population! Those who may experience higher levels of the effects of stressors include astronauts, pilots, cabin crew and frequent flyers. Anyone who has a degenerative disease such as heart disease, joint and bone diseases, allergies and other diseases of the immune system should consider being measured.
Those who are overweight and who have difficulty losing weight may wish to be measured in order to determine their fat-burning efficiency. If their test indicates that this function is impaired then a weight loss diet alone is likely to be ineffective.
Those who are overweight and who have difficulty losing weight may wish to be measured in order to determine their fat-burning efficiency. If their test indicates that this function is impaired then a weight loss diet alone is likely to be ineffective.
Those who are overweight and who have difficulty losing weight may wish to be measured in order to determine their efficiency to burn fat. If their test indicates that this function is impaired then a weight loss diet is likely to be ineffective.
Q. What will the results of my test indicate?
A. You will be given a summary of your current status on a scale of 1-10. 1-3 is normal and indicates good cellular health. Between 4-7 suggest varying degrees of maladaptation of the regulatory control systems. Those who have readings between 8-10 indicate an inability to adapt. The results report will also indicate how efficiently your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system are functioning. This system is also known as the master regulator of metabolism. It controls all the involuntary activities that we are not consciously aware of such as heart rate, breathing and digestion. Your body is designed to always maintain homeostasis (balance) and this is achieved by a complex series of signals sent from the hypothalamus in the brain to the organs, glands and systems of the body. If the receptor sites become desensitised, or the stress load is too great for the capacity of the body, then a loss of good ‘communication’ and affect the natural homeostasis rhythm and a subsequent failure to adapt can result. We cannot control the actions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) with thought, and even if we could, we couldn’t know with certainty what the body requires at any given time.
Your test result will also provide information about your cardiovascular centre, the efficiency of your immune, endocrine, hormonal systems and your ability to adapt to stressors, together with the total power of these regulatory systems that is available to the body. This measurement of ‘total power’ is useful information for those who may feel depleted of energy, or those who have struggled to lose weight. Your stress index is also measured. All of your readings can be compared to a body of readings collected over many years that are generally accepted as normal, which will help to increase your understanding.
Your test result will also provide information about your cardiovascular centre, the efficiency of your immune, endocrine, hormonal systems and your ability to adapt to stressors, together with the total power of these regulatory systems that is available to the body. This measurement of ‘total power’ is useful information for those who may feel depleted of energy, or those who have struggled to lose weight. Your stress index is also measured. All of your readings can be compared to a body of readings collected over many years that are generally accepted as normal, which will help to increase your understanding.
Q. I would like to be tested. What’s the next step?
A. Just use the contact link to request information to be sent to you about appointments. You will be sent a medical history questionnaire to complete and bring to your appointment.
Q. How much does a HRV test and consultation cost?
A. Heart Rate Variability Analysis test and consultation at the clinic takes up to 30 minutes and the cost is £60.00.
An optional personalised dietary programme can be designed for you and if this is requested then please allow an additional 30-minutes for your appointment time.
An optional personalised dietary programme can be designed for you and if this is requested then please allow an additional 30-minutes for your appointment time.
Q. What if I don’t live close to the clinics?
A. Telephone consultations can sometimes be arranged by taking a Heart Rate Variability test with a practitioner who is closer to your location and then sending your results report prior to a telephone consultation. Please use the contact link to request details of a local HRV practitioner.
Q. Will I be recommended supplements?
A. Only a few supplements are used in the practice of mitochondrial therapy. These are food supplements and are not used to treat any diseases. As food supplements, they help to support the body’s fundamental regulatory control systems that enable us to maintain and even optimise our natural state of health. Not everyone is offered supplements, but if they are indicated, based on the results of your HRV readings, then there will be an additional charge..
Q. Can the supplements be taken by athletes?
A. Yes. Heart Rate variability testing can be used to monitor improvement in sports performance, endurance, and in training recovery time.
Q. Do I need to be re-tested?
A. Follow-up re-testing and consultations are usually indicated every 6-8-weeks during the first 12-20 weeks. If supplements are being used then the dosages may be adjusted or reduced in line with your current HRV reading resuts. Once you have completed all three stages in mitochondrial therapy you may wish to test 1-2 times per year.
Q. Can I continue taking my medications and other supplements?
A. You must not alter medications prescribed by your doctor and it is important to inform your doctor of any food supplements you are taking so that he is kept fully informed.
Additional supplements are not required with this programme and some may even be contraindicated. Please check at the time of your appointment.
Q. Has this method of HRV been studied?
A. Yes. The methods of evaluation and support offered are based on large-scale Russian studies conducted over the last 20 years on diverse groups of 20,000 people.
Q. Does the HRV test diagnose or treat specific medical conditions?
A. No. Heart rate variability testing does not diagnose any medical conditions.
Q. I have a serious medical diagnosis. Is it possible to be HRV tested and consult with a medical doctor?
A. Yes. Please use the link on the contact page to request a referral.
Copyright (c) Sheri Dixon 2011